Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI)
The Royal Statistical Society is embedding equity, diversity and inclusion as a cross-cutting theme across all of its strategic goals and operations. Tricia Dodd has been appointed as the society’s Honorary Officer for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and she leads an EDI Advisory Group to coordinate our work in this important area. The remit of this group includes:
1. Facilitating communication and cooperation in the EDI area across various parts of the Society, as well as with other professional organisations in the Mathematical Sciences
2. Monitoring and improving policies, processes and practices at the Society to improve diversity governance
3. Engaging with the membership to ensure that the diversity of its views and experiences are heard, included and incorporated into the Society’s policies, activities and strategy
4. Contributing to the Society’s advocacy work in areas of relationship to equity, diversity and inclusion.
Promoting EDI and embedding it in the work of the RSS and the professions is really important in two ways. First, it is important to individuals: we want all our members to feel valued and included, and to promote a culture where everyone feels able to contribute to the fullest extent. Just as important, however, is harnessing the diversity of our membership to look at issues in different ways and to make the profession stronger and more relevant.
Tricia, Honorary Officer for EDI
One of the first actions of the group was to identify the importance of understanding the composition of our membership. A diversity monitoring section in the profile page of MyRSS has been created, which we encourage all members to complete. The group will be using this data in their work, so it really is important to get it as complete as possible.
An important role for the group will be to work with the new RSS strategy to help embed EDI principles and work closely on this with Sarah Cumbers. The Advisory Group is also involved in work that other parts of the RSS are doing in connection with the peer review process and in developing future leaders.
The Advisory Group consists of the following RSS members:
Salma Ayis
Peter Capsalis
James Grant
Bahareh Heravi
Nigel Marriott
Theresa Munyombwe
Dexter Ng
Ioanna Papatsouma
Rowland Seymour
There are currently no vacancies on the group, but do watch this space if you are interested as we will advertise any future vacancies here.
If you have any comments or queries, then please email edi@rss.org.uk