Terms of use

Acceptable use policy

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The citation protocol for material from this website must adhere to the following format:

Author, Year, Title of Page, Type of Publication, and the Universal Resource Locator (URL) code.

For example:

The Royal Statistical Society.  2010.  How to Cite Material from this Website.  World Wide Web Publication, rss.org.uk



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Other websites
The Royal Statistical Society website provides extensive links to other independent sites, but this policy statement applies only to direct use of this website (rss.org.uk). You will need to consult the providers of other websites for information on their policies.

What websites do we link to?
The Royal Statistical Society's experts recommend external web links on the basis of their suitability and usefulness for our users. Selection and addition of links to our website is entirely a matter for the Royal Statistical Society and for the Royal Statistical Society alone.

It is not our policy to enter into agreements for reciprocal links.
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What websites will we not link to?
We will not link to websites that contain racist, sexual or misleading content; that promote violence; that are in breach of any UK law; which are otherwise offensive to individuals or to groups of people.
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Notice and Takedown policy

If you are a rights holder and are concerned that you have found material on our website, for which you have not given permission, or is not covered by a limitation or exception in national law, please contact us in writing stating the following:
  1. Your contact details.
  2. The full bibliographic details of the material.
  3. The exact and full url where you found the material.
  4. Proof that you are the rights holder and a statement that, under penalty of perjury, you are the rights holder or are an authorised representative.
Contact Details:
Notice and Takedown,
12 Errol Street,
London EC1Y 8LX

Upon receipt of notification the 'Notice and Takedown' procedure is then invoked as follows:
  1. The Royal Statistical Society will acknowledge receipt of your complaint by email or letter and will make an initial assessment of the validity and plausibility of the complaint.
  2. Upon receipt of a valid complaint the material will be temporarily removed from the Royal Statistical Society website pending an agreed solution.
  3. The Royal Statistical Society will contact the contributor who deposited the material, if relevant. The contributor will be notified that the material is subject to a complaint, under what allegations, and will be encouraged to assuage the complaints concerned.
  4. The complainant and the contributor will be encouraged to resolve the issue swiftly and amicably and to the satisfaction of both parties, with the following possible outcomes:
    • The material is replaced on the Royal Statistical Society website unchanged.
    • The material is replaced on the Royal Statistical Society website with changes.
    • The material is permanently removed from the website.
  5. If the contributor and the complainant are unable to agree a solution, the material will remain unavailable through the Royal Statistical Society until a time when a resolution has been reached.

Fair Processing Notice

Royal Statistical Society collects information directly from you or from our business partners when you express an interest in or sign up to one of our services.  We or our appointed agents as well as carefully selected business partners may use this information to:
  • Provide you with information and updates on the topics you have expressed an interest in.
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  • Create statistics and member profiles, test computer systems and analyse user preferences.
  • Help prevent and detect crime and loss.
  • Help train our staff.

We may also monitor and record any communications we have with you, including emails, to make sure we are providing a good service and meeting our responsibilities.
We may also share your information with individuals or user groups associated with the topics you have expressed an interest in for those organisations and individuals to better understand its audience or for any purpose mentioned above.

Updates to this policy

If we make substantial changes, we will bring these to your attention where reasonably possible. Otherwise, you can always  access the latest version of this policy on our website.