International Development

The RSS International Development Section’s aim is for the Society to use its international reputation and independent status to promote the effective use of statistics for the public interest in developing countries. Our long-term goal is that the Society should be regarded as a trusted partner in international development issues as they relate to statistics and statisticians.
Our activities are likely to be of interest to everyone concerned with the quantitative aspects of development, including development practitioners who do not see themselves primarily as statisticians. We are also particularly keen to reach out to statisticians working in developing countries. Please join our mailing list to be kept up to date with our activities.

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The IDS audience includes all those who work with statistics in a development context. It has three primary areas of interest:

  • Policy and advocacy on topics relating to international development statistics and the Sustainable Development Goals, including helping to link up users with producers.
  • Professional development and capacity building to support statisticians and statistical systems in developing countries.
  • Developing the knowledge base and sharing good practice amongst RSS members and others through meetings and events.

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If you want to learn more about our activities, please contact us