Accuro - Supporting People With A DisabilityHome-Start Aberdeen: Review of data quality and use

Home-Start Aberdeen is a leading family support charity, providing practical, emotional and social support to young families with a child under 5. Home-Start Aberdeen has been offering volunteer-led support for 37 years, offering friendship, compassion and understanding to families across the city to encourage and support parents to give their children the best start in life. When children are given a safe, happy and healthy environment they thrive and Home-Start Aberdeen’s mission is to ensure every family experiences this, because childhood can’t wait.

The request
Home-Start-Aberdeen organisation (HSA) wanted an assessment of their collection and use of data in order to improve the information and knowledge, which HSA can derive from their data.

The approach
Laura and James were assigned to this project and arranged a meeting with HSA to discuss the information they would require in order to perform a detailed assessment of the data currently collected. The main objectives of the project included a detailed review of the current data collected, focussing on its quality, completeness and potential. Recommendations were then provided to HSA about: the suitability of the current data set to answer questions relevant to the performance and output of the organisation; quality of the current data set, and whether and how it might be improved.

The result 
A final report was provided to Home-Start Aberdeen outlining recommendations to improve data collection and quality, as well as some observations about the statistical potential of an improved data set. One of the recommendations was to reduce the number of questions asked both by avoiding duplication, and by focussing data collection on those questions that address core objectives directly and which can be measured accurately. The immediate intention of these recommendations was to prioritise those data items which are important and accessible, as well as to reduce the amount of missing data. The strategic aim was to improve the usefulness of the data for HSA in relation to evaluating their current services and supporting competitive funding applications.

Impact and benefits
The final report gave Home-Start Aberdeen an improved understanding of the strengths and limitations of the current dataset. The recommendations coincided with a change in the organisation’s management and provided a strong foundation for change to be implemented. This positive impact will make the experience for supported families smoother and less onerous when we seek their feedback and input. The revised recording structures allow for more meaningful and agile reporting on our data which has improved our ability to apply for funding and report back on the impact of our funded work. The more complete dataset will also allow for more robust evaluation of our organisation’s impact generally and help us to identify emerging trends and needs in the families we support.

Charity CEO: Cameron McCready
Charity Development Manager: Alasdair MacRae
Lead Volunteer: Laura Howell
Volunteer: James McNicholas