Journal Series C

Series CApplied statistics

Impact Factor: 1.0 (was 1.6); 5-year Impact Factor: 1.6
Journal ranking: 93/168 (statistics & probability)

Series C seeks to publish papers that are tackling genuine problems in applied statistics, i.e. where applications are central to the paper and provide the motivation for the work presented. This usually implies that the specific application under study will also be mentioned in the title, and should figure prominently in abstract, introduction and discussion as well as in other parts of the paper. In essence, papers should directly engage with the application and should clearly indicate what additional insights into the applied problem have been gained by applying the suggested methodology. This also implies that some technical details, derivations and proofs might not form part of the main body of the text, but might be moved into supplementary material.

Series C papers make a novel contribution to statistics by adapting or developing new statistical methodology for a specific applied context, or by demonstrating the innovative combination of existing advanced statistical methods. JRSS-C also accepts papers on computational statistics, machine learning and data science, if they are engaging with an application as outlined above. Papers where the application merely serves as an illustration for new methodology or papers that use well-established statistical methods to analyze data are not suitable for JRSS-C. Similarly, papers that only contain brief numerical illustrations or focus exclusively on simulation studies are not suitable, although numerical illustrations and simulations may of course form part of a JRSS-C paper.

In terms of application areas and methodologies, Series C tries to be as broad as possible and therefore covers the whole range of interdisciplinary fields where statistics is applied, including but being by no means limited to agriculture, biology, chemistry, ecology, economics, genetics, industry, medicine, physics, and social sciences.

Published five times a year by Oxford University Press (OUP).

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