Journal Series B
Statistical methodology
Impact Factor: 3.1 (was 5.8), 5-year Impact Factor: 6.4
Journal ranking: 15/168 (statistics & probability).
Series B publishes work that is at the leading edge of methodological development, with a strong emphasis on relevance to statistical practice. Included are papers on study design, statistical models, methods of analysis and the theory that underlies them almost invariably motivated or illustrated by real examples.
The journal aims to disseminate work that is innovative, insightful and likely to have a substantial impact on the way that data are collected and analysed; within these parameters the journal’s scope is broad, embracing for example relevant work in computational methods and the foundations of statistics.
Published five times a year by Oxford University Press (OUP).
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We have a plethora of international experts covering a broad range of statistics as part of the editorial panel for Journal Series B.
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