Social Statistics

The RSS Social Statistics Section arranges an annual programme of meetings. The Section Committee may also form study groups for the examination and study of particular problems.

The remit and activities of the Section are likely to be of interest to a wide range of audiences, including many people who would not consider themselves ‘statisticians’ and are not members of the Section.
We encourage such people to get involved in our activities and ensure that its meetings are generally accessible to non-statisticians.

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The aims and objectives of the Section are:
  • To be concerned with the collection, distribution, analysis, and interpretation of statistical data in all fields of social inquiry
  • To provide a forum for discussion on a wide range of issues, methods and findings in social statistics.
The programme of meetings is designed particularly for the following audiences:
  • Statisticians working in areas related to social statistics
  • Researchers who carry out empirical social research using quantitative data
  • Users of results of empirical social research, for example in the public and private sectors, politics and the media.

Upcoming meetings and events...

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If you want to learn more about our activities, please contact us