History of Statistics

All human activities have a past and the History Section engages with the statistical past. The History of Statistics Section was formed in September 2010. The section aims to promote the statistical literacy through the use of history. The section does this by interpreting the history of statistics broadly to encompass numbers from the past and past ways of using numbers to understand the world. The group provides a forum for the dissemination and discussion of topics concerning the history of statistics, which can be achieved through an annual programme of meetings. It is concerned with the history of statistical methods and probability, historical data and the lives of statisticians and other individuals who contributed to the development and growth of statistics and probability.

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The aims of the group are to:
  • Bring together various groups and individuals who have an active interest in the history of statistics
  • Hold a minimum of one annual one-day event on a topic around the history of statistics and to publish the proceedings.
  • Contribute and present as appropriate to the programme of the annual RSS Conference

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