Consultants Directory

We provide a Directory of Statistical Consultants listing our professionally qualified members who offer a statistical consultancy service. Professionally qualified members hold the status of Chartered Statistician (CStat).

The Directory contains profiles created by the consultants, including information on their specialisms and background as well as their contact details. It operates on an opt-in basis – each consultant has agreed to their profile being available on our public website. There are terms of reference covering the operation of the directory, to ensure it remains up to date.

David Boniface I began my career as a Medical Research Council statistician in the 1970’s and have specialised in solving statistical problems arising in medical and behavioural research leading to a large portfolio of publications. My experience as a professional statistician has involved work as lecturer, researcher, and statistician for some 30 years in universities and as an independent statistical consultant. I published a popular statistics text book to support my lecture series. My clients have ranged from official organisations such as the Advertising Standards Authority, through law firms and loss adjusters, and through to private companies such as the Boeing Aircraft Company. I am familiar with all the main statistical techniques and software packages. Europe