Consultant Profile

Andrew Kingston

Areas of Consultancy:
Bayesian methods
Censuses and surveys
Design and analysis of experiments
Exploratory data analysis
GLMs and other non-linear models
Multivariate analysis
Non-parametric statistics
Statistical inference
Survival analysis
Time series


A Chartered Statistician with a PhD in statistical epidemiology, I use complex longitudinal data and advanced statistical techniques to understand how health outcomes unfold over time. My principal area of technical interest relates to statistical methods that are applicable to complex longitudinal data that have the capacity to identify temporal trends and how factors impact/shape those trends. My mathematical expertise centres on methodology used to analyse longitudinal continuous and categorical data and microsimulation. RESEARCH PORTFOLIO 1) Mapping longitdinal health outcomes 2) Understanding how health outcomes are shaped by exposures to risk factors across the life-course and drivers of health inequality 3) Developing risk prediction methodology 4) Using microsimulation to project future prevalence and incidence of health outcomes 5) Methods of calculating healthy life expectancy


Microsimulation, healthy life expectancy, time-to-event analysis, multistate modelling, group-based trajectory modelling, joint models, analysis of repeated meaures, analysis of longitudinal data, analysis of categorical data (cross-sectional and longitudinal), multivariate and multivariable analyses, R, Stata