The RSS and the AfDSP: The next step towards Chartered Data Science Professional

Following the announcement that the RSS has opened applications for the new Data Science Professional (DSP) certification, the Society and the Alliance for Data Science Professionals (AfDSP) have continued to work towards developing the Chartered Data Science Professional title, with the designatory letters CDSP. 

At the end of 2023, the RSS Council approved a Second Schedule to be attached to our Royal Charter following agreement from the Privy Council. While this process can take time, the Second Schedule will formally recognise the AfDSP as eligible to award the CDSP title to those that meet the requirements, including all those already holding the Advanced Data Science Professional (AdvDSP) certificate, who will automatically have their titles changed to CDSP.   

Other inclusions within the Second Schedule mean the existing data science certifications will become “registered professional” titles – on par with our existing Data Analyst, GradStat and CStat titles – as well as constituting a commitment to work towards developing standards and an accreditation process for university degree programmes in data science.   

RSS CEO Sarah Cumbers commented, “With the demand for data skills growing, it is vital that the many highly skilled individuals working in data science receive the same recognition as other disciplines. This work by the RSS and Alliance takes us another step towards providing these professionals with a Chartered title of their own.” 

For more information about our new Data Science pathways using the AfDSP standards and to learn about what this could mean for you, the RSS is pleased to offer a series of live webinars. These webinars are designed to inform members about professional-development opportunities and how to get more out of RSS membership.  

Should you have specific questions or queries about the Second Schedule, please see the FAQ’s (included in the Second Schedule document linked above) or email Ricky McGowan.

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