
Registration for the conference is open and a booking discount is available until 22 July.

Please refer to the conference costs page for details of registration fees.

All in-person registration options include daytime refreshments but evening social events are not included and must be added to your booking.  There is no additional charge for full conference attendees but one- and two-day attendees will need to pay for the evening events they select.

If you wish to receive a printed conference directory (including the programme) there is a £10 charge - all attendees receive an electronic version free of charge.

Please note:
Full conference - if booking for full conference please select 'Full Conference' and then the evening social events you wish to attend (you will not be charged for these) - if you do not select any social events you will not be booked into them. 

Two-day attendance - please select two of Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday.  If you also wish to attend the Monday evening keynote, please book the Welcome Reception

One-day attendance - please select one of Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday.  Again, if you wish to attend the Monday evening keynote, please book the Welcome Reception
There is a carer's ticket available at a discounted rate to help those who need to be accompanied by a carer or someone to assist with childcare.  The cost is £40 per day or £105 for the full conference (any evening social events will be charged additionally).  Please contact the conference team for further details.