Statistics Under Pressure: Case studies published on decision-making at pace

As part of our Statistics Under Pressure initiative, which aims to support statisticians in high-pressure situations, we have published the first three of nine case studies examining the merits and challenges of making trade-offs in data-based decision making.  

Developed in collaboration with contacts from across the UK Government Statistical Service and academia, these initial case studies provide examples of decisions that had to be made at pace in evolving situations under much public scrutiny:  

A further six case studies will be published later this summer, covering a range of topics and situations, from transport statistics to economics. Following the case studies, we will then publish a set of principles taken from this research and wider stakeholder engagement. The principles will provide guidance to statisticians on the key factors that must be considered to successfully make trade-offs to allow data to best inform decision-making. 

Professor Sir John Aston, chair of the Statistics Under Pressure steering group and RSS president-elect, said: ‘Statisticians and analysts face a number of competing challenges in ensuring their data is timely yet of high quality. This is never more the case than when data is needed in evolving and high-stake situations. Through our Statistics Under Pressure initiative, we aim to start a discussion as to how statisticians can best be supported when faced with these demands and the lessons that can be learnt for the future.’

Read all the case studies in full. 

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