RSS publish response to AcadMathSci proposals

The RSS today published its response to the consultation regarding the proposed Academy for the Mathematical Sciences (AcadMathSci). The response expresses broad support for AcadMathSci on the part of the Society and a commitment to continue to engage with it over the course of its development. 

The AcadMathSci is planning to focus on policy, people and mathematical excellence. It would be an umbrella organisation that advocates for and fosters progression within the fields and sectors encompassed within the mathematical sciences.  

While offering suggestions for areas in which such an umbrella organisation might have the most impact, the response also stresses that continuing communication with learned societies such as the RSS would be of the utmost importance. In particular, the response centres the need for promoting data literacy to the wider populace and support for early-career mathematical scientists. 

Read the full response here.  


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