
The Medical Section is a long-established section of the Royal Statistical Society. Whilst electronic records of the activities of the section only date back to the mid 80’s, correspondence with fellow statisticians anecdotally suggests that the section was already ‘well established in the 1960’s’.
Health and medical statistics continue to remain an important application of statistics and an area where statistics continues to develop to keep up with new advances in both science and technology. Therefore, in future years the importance of medical statistics is likely to continue to grow.

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The aim of the section is to develop and support the application of statistical methods in all branches of medicine. This is achieved by:
  • Organising and supporting regular high-quality meetings focused on issues of importance in medical and healthcare statistics both at Errol Street and across the UK
  • Where possible, working together with other appropriate sections and non-RSS organisations to promote medical statistics.  This has previously included the PSI (statisticians in the pharmaceutical industry) and the International Biometric Society
  • Jointly organising the Annual Bradford Hill lecture with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

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