Consultants Directory

We provide a Directory of Statistical Consultants listing our professionally qualified members who offer a statistical consultancy service. Professionally qualified members hold the status of Chartered Statistician (CStat).

The Directory contains profiles created by the consultants, including information on their specialisms and background as well as their contact details. It operates on an opt-in basis – each consultant has agreed to their profile being available on our public website. There are terms of reference covering the operation of the directory, to ensure it remains up to date.


Dr Jonathan Smyth-Renshaw Statistical Process Control Empirical data analysis


Sabia Akram Psychometrics Educational Assessment Occupational Psychology Assessments SPSS Research Report writing Presenting UK
Lynsey Mccoll I am the Managing Director of Select Statistics. We work in partnership with our clients by combining statistical expertise with industry knowledge to extract actionable insights from data, improve decision making and drive business growth. We operate across a broad range of sectors and offer a wide variety of services that can all be tailored to meet your unique requirements. Our clients range from large international corporations and public sector bodies to SME’s and private individuals. Worldwide
Nigel Marriott I specialise in the following 5 areas. For more details and case studies please visit my website or my LinkedIn profile as shown on the Contact Details tab. SURVEY DESIGN Sample size calculation, questionnaire design, imputation models, acceptance sampling, decision rules, sample design, market research. DIVERSITY & PAY GAP ANALYTICS Gender Pay Gap Modelling, Ethnicity Representation Gap Analysis, Equal Pay Audits, HR Data Analysis Training, Disability Pay Gaps, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics FORECASTING & RISK MODELS Forecasts, business planning, risk analysis, decision science, trend analysis, projections STATISTICAL TRAINING COURSES Basic Stats Courses, Statistical Thinking, Identifying Trends and Making Forecasts, Multivariate Analysis, Hypothesis Testing EXPERT WITNESS & ADVICE SERVICES Expert advice, statistical expert, stats advice Worldwide


Nana Owusu Mensah Essel


Rameshwar Srivastava