Consultants Directory

We provide a Directory of Statistical Consultants listing our professionally qualified members who offer a statistical consultancy service. Professionally qualified members hold the status of Chartered Statistician (CStat).

The Directory contains profiles created by the consultants, including information on their specialisms and background as well as their contact details. It operates on an opt-in basis – each consultant has agreed to their profile being available on our public website. There are terms of reference covering the operation of the directory, to ensure it remains up to date.


Sabia Akram Psychometrics Educational Assessment Occupational Psychology Assessments SPSS Research Report writing Presenting UK
Seyed Shahmy Time-series Analysis, Clinical Trials, Epidemiological studies, Public Health Policy Analysis Worldwide
Jason West Bayesian analysis. Statistical methods. Epidemiology. Data science. Worldwide


Chris Naylor Expert systems; Bayesian inferencing using the XMaster expert system shell. Worldwide
Nigel Marriott I specialise in the following 5 areas. For more details and case studies please visit my website or my LinkedIn profile as shown on the Contact Details tab. SURVEY DESIGN Sample size calculation, questionnaire design, imputation models, acceptance sampling, decision rules, sample design, market research. DIVERSITY & PAY GAP ANALYTICS Gender Pay Gap Modelling, Ethnicity Representation Gap Analysis, Equal Pay Audits, HR Data Analysis Training, Disability Pay Gaps, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics FORECASTING & RISK MODELS Forecasts, business planning, risk analysis, decision science, trend analysis, projections STATISTICAL TRAINING COURSES Basic Stats Courses, Statistical Thinking, Identifying Trends and Making Forecasts, Multivariate Analysis, Hypothesis Testing EXPERT WITNESS & ADVICE SERVICES Expert advice, statistical expert, stats advice Worldwide
Prof. Dr. Brijesh Sathian Bio-statistics, Epidemiology, Clinical trials, Statistical Modelling Worldwide
Opeyemi Ogungbola General Statistical Consulting Africa
Dr Marie Oldfield At Oldfield Consultancy we see people, not numbers. We exist to simplify the complexity around the problems that matter. We work with cutting edge analytical solutions encompassing Legal Expert Witness (DNA, Fraud, Homicide etc), Court compliant reporting, AI, Statistics, Modelling, Training, Data Science and Ethics.⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Some Past Clients: Oil and Gas, Lawyers, Barristers, Scoliosis SOS, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, British Army, CPS, UK MOD, UK Gov, MOJ, NATO, Broadcast Media & multiple Universities. We also provide training on soft skills for analytical/tech teams at ⁣ Worldwide


Rameshwar Srivastava


Graeme Campbell


Dr Julie Winstanley Questionnaire design and testing, Psychometrics, IRT methods, Online survey methods Worldwide
Richard Saldanha Quantitative finance; AI/machine learning; mathematics/statistics. Worldwide
Christopher Rose Randomized trials of public health interventions. Meta-analysis (particularly network meta-analysis of pharmaceutical interventions and multivariate meta-analysis of risk factors). Statistical programming in Stata and Mata. Europe
Hilary Clare Watt There is growing recognition of my considerable statistics teaching expertise. My free online resources have excellent feedback for their capacity to save loads of time when preparing data for analysis using R software. My LinkedIn profile show-cases these skills. The many exceptionally strong public recommendations may be of greatest interest. Worldwide


Roland Caulcutt Six Sigma - I have trained thousands of blackbelts, greenbelts and managers and supported process improvement projects. Communication - I have run many courses to help data analysts communicate more effectively with managers and other clients. Worldwide
Jo Morrison Application of a wide variety of statistical models including mixed effects/multilevel models, factor analyses and item response theory (IRT) models. Analyses used in education research, e.g. value added and age standardisation. Design and analysis of surveys. Analysis of publicly available education datasets, e.g. National Pupil Database, PISA & TIMSS international studies. Communicating results of complex analyses in accessible ways to non-statisticians. Worldwide
Evangelos I. Kritsotakis Prognostic factor research, clinical prediction models, randomised controlled trials, quasi-experimental studies, time series analysis, population-based cohort studies, complex sample surveys, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis. Worldwide


Thomas Brown Data Analysis, Lean Manufacturing, Optimisation Projects, Predictive Analytics, KPI Reporting, Six Sigma, Quality Control & Mapping, Programming, Process Modelling, Method Validation. UK
A Rosemary Tate Medical statistics and epidemiology. Machine learning and computer science. Analysis of electronic health records. Multivariate statistics and statistical pattern recognition. Analysis and design of surveys. DATA QUALITY, Data visualisation. Worldwide
Prof. Dr. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat Statistical engineering, statistical thinking, statistics, analytics and data science, including artificial intelligence and machine learning. Worldwide