Reproducible research: Barriers to reproducibility in safe haven settings, and how to overcome them (In Person Sign up)

Date: Wednesday 14 June 2023, 1.00PM
Location: University of Glasgow
Room 103A, Clarice Pears Building, University of Glasgow
Local Group Meeting

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The RSS Glasgow Local Group welcome Andreas Hoehn (University of Glasgow) to discuss a reproducible workflow when working with safe haven data.
Note that this is the sign up link for in person attendance. There is a separate page for online attendance.

The RSS Glasgow Local Group welcome Andreas Hoehn (University of Glasgow) to discuss a reproducible workflow when working with safe haven data. Data safe haven settings often come with specific challenges to reproducibility, such as a complex and fragmented research flow, or the large-scale character of data. This presentation will illustrate common challenges to reproducible research in data safe haven settings and how to overcome them. The content covered is transferable to all data settings and will present practical examples of working efficiently with large amounts of data in a modular pipeline workflow.
Andreas Hoehn (University of Glasgow)