Mathematics and Statistics for Effective Regulation

Date: Tuesday 17 November 2020, 10.00AM
Location: Online
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The reliability and accuracy of reporting is key to ensuring confidence in the financial sector, yet there is limited regulation on data quality and the software used, a lack of consistency and no agreed documentation of modelling. This is in contrast to medicines and medical devices, where there are auditable processes in place with the requirement to demonstrate the source of data used and the need to show documentation of the workings of the software.

This workshop will provide a useful comparison of standards and approaches to regulation in the medical and financial sectors and provide an overview of the different expectations of regulatory bodies.  It will look at approaches to assessing the quality and validity of data, statistics, computing and mathematics in the financial sector which differ substantially from those in the health sector.

Speakers will explore these issues above, with a focus on pensions, investments and fraud. The talks will look at risks in the financial sector, ethics, handling uncertainty and achieving transparency which is important for trust.

This event will be of interest to those working in finance, quantitative finance, economics, actuarial mathematics, statistics and data science.

The full programme can be viewed here.

The confirmed speakers are:

·         Deborah Ashby, Royal Statistical Society

·         Sheila Bird, Medical Research Council

·         Saul Jacka, University of Warwick

·         Sam Blundy, The Pensions Regulator

·         Nicholas Davidson, 4 New Square

·         Niamh Nic Daeid, University of Dundee

·         Jonathan Tecwyn, Department of Education and Katherine Byrne, Home Office Analysis and Insight

·         Andreas Tsanakas, Cass Business School

The Newton Gateway to Mathematics

The event is being developed and delivered in collaboration with the Royal Statistical Society and its Finance and Economics Special Interest Group
A registration fee is charged to cover attendance at this event. This is £15 for academic and public sector attendees and £25 for industrial attendees.
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