Florence Nightingale: The Passionate Statistician – Steven Julious (The University of Sheffield)

Date: Thursday 14 May 2020, 4.00PM
Location: online
Local Group Meeting

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The Passionate Statistician was the title given to Florence Nightingale by her first biographer Sir Edward Cook.  Florence Nightingale was a firm believer in the accurate quantification of evidence to inform decisions.  It was her belief in the accurate collection and presentation of data that informed the work she undertook to improve military hospitals. 

She was of the view that “to understand God’s thoughts, we must study statistics for these are the measure of His purpose” and she used her statistical abilities to inform debates that led to a decline in preventable deaths in military and civilian hospitals.

This year marks 200 years since the birth of Florence Nightingale. She was the first female member of the RSS and had family links to Sheffield. In this talk Steven will pay tribute to her work in statistics and its long lasting impact.

The webinar will take place on Microsoft Teams, on the following link:

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Organicer: Sara Hilditch
Contact: s.hilditch@sheffield.ac.uk
Organicer Group: RSS Sheffield Local Group