Invited topic sessions

Applications in Business, Industry & Finance
This stream aims to provide a stage for statistical methods and applications in the business, manufacturing & engineering, and financial sectors. This might include topics such as risk analysis, experimental design, measurement uncertainty, business innovation, asset management, quantitative finance, big data and business surveys.
Communicating & Teaching Statistics
This stream aims to showcase new and diverse ways to convey statistical thinking and ideas to a variety of audiences.  This might include topics such as: working with schools and inspiring young people; teaching statistics at Higher Education level to students both of statistics and other subjects; or developing essential and innovative communication skills for sharing statistical information with different sectors of the public.
Data Science & AI
This stream covers applied and methodological advances that support the extraction of value from data. This includes, but is not limited to, developments in the data analytics process, Big Data technology, applications of Machine Learning, and cross-disciplinary scientific experiments that advance application domains.
Environmental & Spatial Statistics
This stream covers a series of talks and discussions relating to applications of statistics to environmental topics, including those with a spatial or spatio-temporal aspect.  This stream covers themes such as air pollution, spatial epidemiology, statistical ecology, climate science and environmental forecasting.
Medical Statistics
This stream showcases approaches and applications of statistical thinking to problems arising from the study of human biology, health and healthcare. Bioinformatics, study design, targets for inference, data collection, linkage, analysis, survival and event history analysis, meta-analysis and reporting all fall within the scope of this stream.
Methods & Theory
This stream provides conference-goers with a snapshot of recent advances in statistical methodology. While often motivated by a particular application, a distinguishing feature of this stream is that the methods themselves are the object of principle scientific interest.  The stream welcomes contributions at the cutting edge of statistical methodology and it’s theoretical foundations.
Official Statistics & Public Policy
This stream aims to showcase the work of official statistics producers and how their work shapes and informs public policy.  Sessions can cover any aspect of the production of official statistics, covering a wide range of topics including: overviews of existing statistical work and publications; new developments to support emerging policy; use of technology to improve the production and dissemination of official statistics; and meeting user needs.
Other Applications of Statistics
This stream aims to showcase examples of real-world practical applications of statistics. Previous sessions have covered a diverse range of applications such as the use of statistical analysis in professional sport; statistics and the law, agricultural statistics, to voting patterns in the Eurovision song contest.
Professional Development
This stream is a blend of short informal workshops and training sessions (60-80 minutes) aiming to provide bite sized continual professional development opportunities.  Previous sessions have covered a diverse range of topics such as research publication, maximising impact, career development, statistics in the media and data visualisation. We are also interested in sessions on the development or a demonstration of statistical software or component – (e.g. R package, Python library, SPSS plug-in) – and on reproducibility of statistical analysis and research, using software.
Social & Wellbeing Statistics
This stream aims to present novel methods and applications concerning statistics in social contexts. These may be concerned with the collection, dissemination, analysis, and interpretation of statistical data in any field of social inquiry and span, for instance, public and private sectors, politics and the media.