Letter to the Chancellor expressing concern over the government announcment that RPIX would be used to uprate university tuition fees, despite it being a discredited measure of consumer inflation.
Joint paper on measuring inflation as experienced by households from the RSS, Citizens Advice and the Financial Fairness Trust
Letter to Simon Hoare, Chair of the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee, outlining the need to remove barriers to data sharing between government departments, as well as our hope that the committee engages with our campaign on the need to end pre-release access to official statistics.
The RSS has published a manifesto ahead of the UK general election on 4 July 2024, outlining the key areas where we believe the next government should focus its efforts to unlock the potential benefits of data in the UK.
Response from the RSS to a consultation from the Health and Social Care Statistics Leadership Forum regarding governemnt statistical outputs.
RSS consultation response to the ONS regarding the proposal to replace the census with administrative data.
Summary of the roundtable event held at the RSS on 1 September 2023, discussing the review of the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA) lead by Professor Denise Lievesley.