AI Task Force


Donna Phillips (chair)
Simon Asplen-Taylor
Janet Bastiman (Campaigns Advisory Group)
Daniel Bogiatzis-Gibbons (Data Ethics and Governance Section)
William Browne (Data Science & AI Section)
Lee Crewley (Real World Data Science)
Adam Davison (Data Science & AI Section)
Jamie Fairclough
Eugenie Hunsicker
Tom King
Altea Lorenzo-Arribas
Benjamin Mawdsley
Richard Moulange
Theo Papamarkou (Computational Statistics and Machine Learning Section)
Richard Riley
Oscar Tang
Zoe Welsh (Professional Affairs Committee)

The AI Task Force was formed in June 2024 with the aim of strategically planning the RSS’s work on AI, identifying areas where we can impact public discourse and decision-making and coordinating activity across all parts of the RSS that interface with the subject.

The group is chaired by Donna Phillips and has representation from relevant RSS groups.

It remits to:

  • Strategically plan RSS work on AI, in line with the RSS 5-year strategy.
  • Identify issues and opportunities where the RSS might impact public discourse and
  • decision-making around AI.
  • Lead the development of the Society’s AI policy work.
  • Support RSS’s engagement with the media on AI issues.
  • Strengthen relationships with adjacent organisations to increase our impact in this
  • area.
  • Represent and amplify the voice of AI practitioners.
  • Support proposals for grant funding, and the work that results.

Read the group’s full terms of reference.