New joint editor sought for Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology)

Nominations are open for a successor to Professor Daniela Witten as joint editor of Series B of the Society's journal when her term of office finishes at the end of 2025. Nominations are welcomed and encouraged by members of the Society.

The editorships of the Society’s journals are important and prestigious positions, but they are also demanding and time consuming. The people who undertake them perform an invaluable service for the Society.

Series B has three joint editors, serving three-year terms. The editors' main role is concerned with the technical assessment of material submitted to the series, in collaboration with their panels of associate editors. In addition, joint editors collaborate closely with the Society’s journals manager and publishers Oxford University Press (OUP). Editors also take an active role with the ongoing formulation and review of publication policy in consultation with the Honorary Officer for Journals, journal stakeholders and the publishers. As ex officio members of the Research Section Committee, Series B joint editors are also involved in assessing the suitability of papers for presentation to the Society at its discussion paper meetings and their subsequent publication with an account of the discussion.

Read more about the journal here: Series B (Statistical Methodology)

Suggestions for successors to the current editor will be considered by a search committee chaired by Hani Doss, one of the two continuing joint editors. Expressions of interest should include the nominee’s suitability for the role.

Further details about the role can be found here.

To nominate, email Judith Shorten with a paragraph detailing the nominees experience.

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