Florence Nightingale Award for Excellence in Health and Care Analytics now open

The annual Florence Nightingale Award for Excellence in Health and Care Analytics is now accepting entries for 2025. 

The award is aimed at practitioners whose work in data analytics has delivered innovative improvements for the UK health and care system. Named after the Society’s first female fellow, the award is supported by the Health Foundation, an independent charitable organisation working to build a healthier UK.  

The 2024 award was won by the Perinatal Institute for their software helping NHS Trusts better assess increased-risk pregnancies. Highly commended was NHS Cheshire and Merseyside for their work tackling fuel poverty.  

RSS CEO Dr Sarah Cumbers said ‘As we’ve seen with the winners and entrants of this award since its launch in 2020, data analytics has an incredibly wide range of positive impacts across health and social care. I’m looking forward to seeing more fantastic examples of innovative work from practitioners using data to improve patient outcomes.’ 

Charles Tallack, Director of Research and Analysis at the Health Foundation said: ‘Better use of data and analysis is crucial to help understand, and address, the pressures facing the health and social care system. Recognising best practice can help identify lessons – and solutions – that can be spread elsewhere. We look forward to seeing even more great examples of practitioners using data to address challenges in the health care system as part of this year's award.’  

The deadline for entries is Wednesday 30 April, and the award will be presented at a ceremony in London on 15 July.  

Learn more about the criteria and download the entry form

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