RSS statement on the statistical aspects of the Lucy Letby case

We’re aware of concerns raised by some RSS members and the wider statistical community around the statistical aspects of the Lucy Letby case. Our 2022 report highlighted the challenges of interpreting statistical evidence in medical murder cases, and it proposed several recommendations for best practice. We will be convening a meeting to explore how best these recommendations can be put into practice.  

We are pleased that the Thirlwall Inquiry accepted our recommendation that the terms of reference include the appropriate use of statistical evidence in cases of medical murder. Statistical monitoring systems are well established to provide alerts to unusual patterns of events and, if implemented and interpreted properly, they facilitate early detection of anomalies and can inform subsequent investigations. 

9 July 2024

Read our 2022 report on statistical issues in the investigation of suspected medical misconduct   

Read our letters to the Thirlwall Inquiry: 

29 September 2023 

10 November 2023 

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