RSS Launch new Data Science and Artificial Intelligence journal

We are delighted to announce the launch of RSS: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Published by Oxford University Press, this new online and open-access journal marks the first addition to the RSS family of world class statistics journals since 1952.  

Created in recognition of the growing importance of data science and artificial intelligence in science and society, the journal aims to fill the need for a venue that truly spans the relevant fields, encompassing statistics, machine learning, deep learning, econometrics, bioinformatics, engineering, computational social sciences and beyond. 

Led by the editors-in-chief—Sach Mukherjee, Silvia Chiappa and Neil Lawrence—an esteemed international panel of editors will oversee the publication of method papers, applications papers, and behind the scenes papers, as well as editorials, op-eds, interviews, and reviews/perspectives. 

RSS: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence is now open for submissions and you can find out more about submitting a paper on the journal’s website.  

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