Call for session proposals for RSS 2025 Conference

The organising committee for the Society’s 2025 International Conference has issued the call for proposals for invited topic sessions.

The conference will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland, from 1–4 September 2025, with the programme featuring the usual mix of top keynote speakers, invited topic sessions, professional development workshops, contributed and rapid-fire talks, and poster presentations, as well as many opportunities for networking.

Invited topic sessions and workshops are put together by an individual (you do not need to be a RSS fellow), group of individuals, an organisation or an RSS committee with a panel of speakers who they invite to speak on a related topic. The session topic should ideally focus on the cutting edge of statistical methodology or the impactful application of statistics and data science, and fit within one of the topic streams for the conference.

The proposed session is considered by the RSS conference board for inclusion on the programme. They are keen to receive proposals on new research and results, recent advances in statistical methodology, areas of controversy/debate, topical discussions and informative and innovative case studies. The organisers also welcome innovation in the format of sessions.

Submissions for session proposals are open now, with a deadline of 21 November. Full details about session formats and the submission process can be found on the conference webpages.
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