2024 Council elections now open

The 2024 RSS Council elections have now opened, and all members will have received a secure link to vote via email. Council appointments are for a term of four years – each year, those whose terms of office have come to an end are replaced.

Six council members will be ending their tenure in December, having presided over changes in the RSS Charter, the appointment of a new CEO, and a brand-new five-year strategy as well as all the important work the RSS produced over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic. We thank them for their service at such a transformative time for the Society.

Six new Council members will be elected from eight candidates to start their term in January 2025: Darren Dahly, Chrissie Fletcher, Clare Griffiths, Jack Kennedy, Srshti Putcha, Adam Sykulski, Ayse Ulgen and Peter Wells. You can read more about the candidates, as well as statements from each about what they’ll bring to the Council, on the Council Elections webpage.

Elections will run from Wednesday 11 September and will close on Wednesday 23 October.

Haven’t received your email link? Try checking your other email folders for an email from takepart@cesvotes.com.
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