RSS wins award for ‘phenomenal’ impact of Stats of the Year

The RSS Statistics of the Year 2018 initiative won ‘Best Campaign on a Shoestring’ at the recent Memcom awards.

It was the second consecutive year that the Society won this award, after last year’s success for our campaign against pre-release access to statistics.

The judges described Statistics of the Year as: ‘A very well executed campaign. The results and impact have been staggering, with a relatively small original outlay generating impressive results. In addition, there was a six-fold increase in number of entries, which was one of the defined goals.

'In relation to increasing media and public awareness of statistics that have real-world impact, the results have been phenomenal!’

The Memcom awards celebrate excellence among professional bodies, trade associations, membership charities and other not-for-profit membership organisations.

‘We’re delighted that we won ‘Best Campaign on a Shoestring’ for the second successive year,’ said Iain Wilton, RSS director of policy and public affairs (pictured right). ‘I’d like to thank all the colleagues, past and present, whose hard work secured this award for the Society. We’re also indebted to the members of our judging panel, who chose such interesting and insightful winning statistics. We’ll soon announce our plans for the 2019 Statistics of the Year and our first-ever Statistics of the Decade, covering 2010-19. So please watch this space for details!’


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