New RSS members to get 12 months of membership from join date

From 1st September 2019, we will be introducing 'anniversary renewals' for new joiners. This means that anyone who joins us from September 2019 onwards will get 12 months’ membership from the date of joining and will not need to back-pay from the beginning of the year.  

Previously, our membership year ran from 1 January to 31 December each year with all fellows renewing their membership on 1 January. Due to a database and website upgrade, however, we are now able to give new joiners a full year of membership from the date they join so they get the best value for money.

This will not affect existing fellows, whose renewal date will remain 1 January 2020. We will be in touch towards the end of the year with information on how to renew your membership. 

The introduction of anniversary renewals is one of a number of changes we’re making before the end of the year. In October we will be launching our new website and database, which will make managing your membership and preferences much easier.  

New members can join using our online form.

Frequently Asked Questions   

Q: I’m a fellow. Will the introduction of anniversary renewals affect my renewal date?  

A: No; if you joined the RSS before the move to the new system, you will still be required to renew your membership on 1 January, as previously.  Only new fellows joining from September onwards will renew on the anniversary of joining.  

Q. I’m an e-Student. What effect will anniversary renewals have on my membership?  

A. None; your e-Student membership runs for the entirety of your course and is not dependent on your join date. You will, however, be able to take advantage of anniversary renewals when you upgrade to fellow membership at the end of your course.  

Q: I am considering applying for professional membership (GradStat or CStat); if successful will this affect my membership renewal date?  

A: No, this will not affect your membership renewal date; if successful we will keep a record of the date you were awarded professional membership. Should you be awarded CStat, then revalidation is usually every five years.    



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