Young Statisticians and Medical Section reach out to students

As the ‘Beast from the East’ brought snow across the UK, over 100 students from Mathematics and Statistics affiliated degree courses headed to the University of Leicester for a ‘taster’ afternoon of careers in Medical Statistics.

The event was organised by the Careers and Academic Liaison Committee of Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry (PSI CALC) and 25 exhibitors attended from a range of pharmaceutical companies, clinical research organisations (CRO), clinical trials units, universities and professional societies.

Throughout the day, attendees learned all about current trends in medical statistics and drug development and stepped into the shoes of a medical statistician or data programmer in an interactive training session.

Students also gained the first-hand experience of a new industry starter and heard from a panel of pharmaceutical, CRO and academic representatives on the best and most challenging parts of their roles, their most nerve wracking moment, their proudest achievements, their most interesting work travel experience and their most unusual project. Panellists also discussed diversity of careers in medical statistics with where their careers may be in 5 years’ time as well as key advice for students starting off in their medical statistics career.

The Royal Statistical Society was represented by Sarah Nevitt (Young Statistician’s Section) and Wendy Harrison (Medical Section). Students were interested to hear the benefits of GradStat accredited.

This event was a brilliant opportunity to meet the aspiring statisticians of the future and we hope to see many of them again soon still wearing their ‘Eat, Sleep, Stats, Repeat’ badges!

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