Schools get £600 funding boost for post-16 maths and stats students

The Department for Education has announced that schools and colleges in England offering maths study post-16 will receive £600 extra funding per additional pupil per year from September.

The new Advanced Maths Premium will ensure that a range of flexible pathways will be available for students looking to study maths beyond GCSE level. It will not only support the further growth of A level Mathematics, it will help to secure the future of Further Mathematics and AS level Mathematics, the latter potentially as a fourth course alongside three A levels.

The funding will also encourage schools to offer the new Core Maths qualification, which previously has not had specific funding as an additional course.

The RSS is particularly pleased that the new funding includes A and AS level Statistics, which we believe provides a valuable route particularly for students aiming for higher level study in subjects such as psychology, biology, finance, and social sciences. We pressed to have confirmation that the Premium would include Stats A level ever since it was announced in last year’s Autumn’s Budget.

Paul Glaister, who chairs the Joint Mathematical Council of the UK said: ‘Sir Adrian Smith’s Review of Post 16 Mathematics, and the Industrial Strategy White Paper - Building a Britain fit for the future, make clear the importance of students continuing to study mathematics post 16, and which I support wholeheartedly. I therefore very much welcome the Government’s commitment to increasing participation in level 3 mathematics.’

Sharon Witherspoon, RSS vice president for education said: ‘Every year in England, around 250,000 young people obtain at least a GCSE grade C/4 in mathematics but do not continue their mathematical studies. This funding should provide additional support and encouragement to schools and colleges to help plug that gap. We are particularly pleased that both A and AS level Statistics are eligible for this funding as it important that students are given a range of flexible pathways to maintain & develop their mathematical skills.’

The DfE has issued further information on the new Advanced Maths Premium.

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