RSS Series A journal scores highly in 2017 Impact Factor figures

The Royal Statistical Society's journals continued to perform well in the 2017 Impact Factor scorings, which were released in late June.

The RSS Series A journal increased its Impact Factor from 1.852 to 2.473 and jumping from 21st to 11th in the rankings in the Statistics and Probability category.

The Society's Series B journal is now sixth place in the Statistics and Probability category with an Impact Factor of 2.894 (down from 4.610 in 2016).

The RSS Series C journal increased its IF from 1.716 to 1.750. The journal is now ranked 27th in the Statistics and Probability category (from 26th in 2016).

RSS fellows receive electronic access to one of our three journal series, both online and through a dedicated Android/iOS app. To access the journal online, log into Learn more about our journal apps.

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