New RSS partnership to connect fellows with trustee opportunities

As part of our Reach Volunteering to connect RSS fellows with the latest trustee opportunities in the UK. 

Trustees are the people who lead a charity to ensure it achieves the aims it was set up to do. They are responsible for ensuring the charity complies with the law and puts the needs of the people it supports first. Trustees use their skills and experience to support the charity, helping them make well informed decisions.

‘We want to see more statisticians, data analysts and data scientists on charity trustee boards,’ said Janet Thorne, CEO of Reach Volunteering. ‘We hope that many RSS fellows will consider applying for the roles we share with them.’

‘It’s vital that charity boards have members who are skilled in data and interpreting data, so we are delighted to be able to present more volunteering opportunities for our fellows to use their statistical skills for good,’ said Hetan Shah, RSS executive director.

Find out more about the new partnership and the latest trustee roles currently available. 





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