New agreement to connect RSS volunteers to overseas projects

The RSS has just signed an agreement with the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) to enable RSS fellows to volunteer their time and statistical expertise to help low-income countries develop their statistical systems.

PARIS21 is an international body established by the UN, EC, OECD, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank back in 1999 to promote better use and production of statistics throughout the developing world. The new agreement will allow RSS fellows to provide technical assistance to specific PARIS21 assignments to strengthen statistical systems in developing and emerging economies.

RSS volunteers who have already signed up to our Statisticians for Society initiative will be informed of volunteering opportunities identified by PARIS21 as and when they arise. The RSS already matches fellows to specific pro bono projects at small UK charities and works with other partners such as DataKind and Statistics Without Borders to inform RSS fellows of statistics-related volunteer opportunities.

‘The new agreement means that we can help RSS fellows into pro bono work that will help utilise statistics for good at an international, as well as local, level,’ says RSS executive director Hetan Shah, who signed the agreement on behalf of the RSS. ‘It will further increase the reach of our Statisticians for Society initiative and moves us further towards our core aim to promote a world with data at the heart of understanding and decision making.’

If you would like to be informed of statistical volunteering opportunities as they arise, or being matched to suitable volunteering roles which match your skillset, please contact Amaka Nwagbara.

You can also watch our recent International Development Section meeting on Statistical Capacity Development.

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