Joyce Fienberg killed in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting

We are shocked and saddened to learn that Joyce Fienberg, the widow of RSS fellow Steve Fienberg, was killed in the recent terrible synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh.

Steve Fienberg, who died on 14 December, 2016, aged 74 years, was a longstanding RSS fellow who made outstanding contributions to statistics as professor of statistics and social science at Carnegie Mellon University. He was a well-known figure in statistics and many who knew him also knew Joyce, who was a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh and who spoke at a memorial event for Steve at this year’s Joint Statistical Meetings in Vancouver.

RSS president Sir David Spiegelhalter said: ‘I was at Steve Fienberg’s memorial event at the JSM this summer, and was privileged to hear Joyce speak. It was easy to sense the huge affection felt for Joyce from generations of staff and students in the Department of Statistics at Carnegie-Mellon. It is difficult to know what to say about such a tragic event’.

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