Conference 2018: Our awards ceremony in pictures

Every year, the RSS presents a number of medals, awards and prizes for outstanding contributions to statistics.

The awards are presented at our Annual International Conference, which this year took place in Cardiff. The awards were presented by our current president, Sir David Spiegelhalter.

A full list of winners and their citations are explained in our initial announcement.

Thanks to all of those who took part in the ceremony, the judges, our sponsors and many congratulations to the winners!

The winners:


Guy Medal in Silver: Peter Bühlmann, for his work on the highly–cited paper ‘Stability Selection’ and the 2016 discussion paper ‘Causal inference using invariant prediction: identification and confidence intervals’

Guy Medal in Bronze: Peng Ding, for his methodological and theoretical contributions to casual inference, specifically in three papers published in our Series B journal

Barnett Award: Peter Diggle for his outstanding and sustained contribution within the field of environmental statistics, particularly in relation to environmental health

RSS Research Prize: Emanuele Giorgi for his outstanding published contribution at the interface of statistics and epidemiology

West Medal: Jill Leyland for outstanding contributions to official/social statistics in her work on the RSS official statistics strategy, particularly regarding price indices

Greenfield Industrial Medal: Idris Eckley for his statistical contribution to substantive, industrial research problems

Howard Medal: Colin Aitken for his work around statistical reasoning in the law and forensic science, including his work on guides for law practitioners and advocates

Mardia Prize: The research team at the Water Research Institute at Cardiff University for promoting cutting-edge interdisciplinary work between statisticians and other science communities

Congratulations also to Bradford Hill Medallist Nicky Best (who was unable to attend the ceremony) for her contributions to medical statistics in the form of ‘exquisite expositions of Bayesian methods’.


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