C Oswald George prize for best stats teaching paper announced

The RSS is pleased that the C Oswald George Prize for the best article in the journal The storm of the century! Promoting student enthusiasm for applied statistics'.

The paper is described as 'an outstanding example of providing a flexible framework, including good technical support, embedding and enabling best practice in engaging students in experiencing statistical thinking, seeing the importance of statistics and encountering a taste of the power of future statistical learning.' 

Lee Fawcett, an RSS Environmental Statistics section committee member, spoke about the teaching project at the RSS 2016 conference in a STEM showcase session.

Dr C Oswald George was an eminent UK government statistician who helped found the UK’s Institute of Statistics in 1948 (which eventually merged with the Royal Statistical Society in 1993) and served as both chairman and president. He donated a sum of money for the ‘best paper, especially submitted by younger authors, in the field of applied statistics’. The award was then made available for the best article in Teaching Statistics when it launched in 1979 and has been ever since.



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