2018 Mardia Prize to support extreme weather research

We'd like to congratulate the winners of the second Mardia interdisciplinary workshop prize, which has just been announced.

Founded by RSS fellow Kanti Mardia, the prize was created to encourage cutting-edge interdisciplinary work by bringing together statistics with other science communities through workshops in emerging interdisciplinary areas. Funding of £3,000–£4,000 per year will be made available to support workshops that bring statisticians together with other scientific communities and to maintain a sustained focus.

The winning proposal came from three researchers at the Water Research Institute at Cardiff University; Dr Kristin Strokorb, Dr Marie Ekström, and Professor Owen Jones. The team propose to hold two ‘Workshops on Extremal Trends in Weather (WET Weather)’. The workshops aim to facilitate discussion and build new partnerships between researchers in statistical and environmental science disciplines with an interest in rare and hazardous events. The team were judged to be clear winners; having a very well planned proposal.

Further details of the workshops can be found on the workshop website.


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