2018 Campion Award for Excellence in Official Statistics

We are now accepting entries for the 2018 Campion Award for Excellence in Official Statistics. The award has been renamed this year in honour of our former president, the late Sir Harry Campion, who left a generous legacy to the Society. Campion was also the first director in 1941 of what was then the UK Central Statistical Office.

The award, given in partnership with the UK Statistics Authority, is for anyone working in UK government statistics and rewards good practice, focusing on statistics for the public good. We are pleased to announce that Civil Service World are the media partner for this year’s award.

Particular attention will be paid this year to citations from users that show how the relevant statistical output has helped to make a decision, inform a debate or bust a myth. Credit will also be given to entries showing an excellent communication of results, innovative statistical development and work that goes beyond normal expectations.

John Pullinger, UK National Statistician said: 'I am delighted to see that the Award for Excellence in Official Statistics 2018 has been dedicated to the late Sir Harry Campion, as he was the first director of the Central Statistical Office. I am looking for innovative entries that develop new statistics, demonstrated efficiency, assist users, accessibility and influence policy. I am also excited to see that particular attention will be paid this year to entries that have helped to make an important decision for public good.'

To nominate a particular piece of work, whether it is produced by an individual or a team, just fill in a simple entry form which can be found on the RSS website. The deadline for entries is midnight of 31 March 2018. Work must have been carried out or completed between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2017.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch with RSS press and public affairs manager, Mags Wiley at m.wiley@rss.org.uk.

Photo shows last year's winners from the Scottish Government receive their award from John Pullinger.


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