Level: Intermediate (I)
This virtual course will introduce two technologies that will fundamentally change your use of R for data presentation on the web: htmlwidgets and Shiny. The first half of the course introduces RMarkdown and htmlwidgets, demonstrating how reports with interactive tables, maps and charts can be written and published to the web using RStudio. The second half of the course introduces the basics of Shiny, a web framework for creating sophisticated interactive applications using only the R language.
Please note: Bookings will close 4 working days before the course start date or when the course has reached its maximum capacity.
This course has the Society's Quality Mark so can be used as part of your application for professional membership including Data Analyst.
Level: Intermediate (I)
This course will introduce two technologies that will fundamentally change your use of R for data presentation on the web: htmlwidgets and Shiny. The first half of the course introduces RMarkdown and htmlwidgets, demonstrating how reports with interactive tables, maps and charts can be written and published to the web using RStudio. The second half of the course introduces the basics of Shiny, a web framework for creating sophisticated interactive applications using only the R language.
Htmlwidgets and Shiny are thoroughly underused in the R community. This course will show you it is almost trivial to build interactive charts/maps/data tables with htmlwidgets and only slightly trickier to build sophisticated interactive applications with Shiny.
Learning Outcomes
- Recognise the benefits of analysis and visualisation design in RMarkdown document
- Select appropriate htmlwidgets for data or analytical results and include them in RMarkdown documents
- Publish RMarkdown reports to the web with RPubs or Github Pages
- Produce basic Shiny apps incorporating htmlwidgets and publish them to shinyapps.io
Topics Covered
- Overview of the RStudio and tidyverse ecosystem
- Introducing interactive data visualisations with R via htmlwidgets and the pipe operator
- Incorporating text with code and interactive output using RMarkdown
- Publishing interactive RMarkdown reports to the web
- Designing interactive applications in R using Shiny
- Publishing Shiny applications to shinyapps.io
Target Audience
R users who want their audiences to interact and explore their data through interactive visualisations. Or those who wish to provide these interactive tools to others to supplement their analysis. Datasets will range from numerical observations, geolocations to colocation network data, and should therefore be interesting to anyone involved with social, physical or medical science, economics or computer science.
Knowledge Assumed
A working knowledge of R is assumed. For inexperienced users you’re recommended to study the free Intro to R course here: https://campus.datacamp.com/courses/free-introduction-to-r/chapter-1-intro-to-basics-1
The RSS also runs a two-day foundation level R course called 'Introduction to R'
Charlie Hadley
Charlie Hadley is currently a Research Technology Specialist at Oxford University specialising in data visualisation, as well as being a content creator for Lynda.com. Her background is in biophysics and statistical computing, completing her MPhys at University of Leeds and a short research post at University of Birmingham on biomineralisation.
Charlie was a senior technology consultant at Wolfram Research for 3 years working primarily on finance and HR projects, in addition to consulting for the Estonian ComputerBasedMath.org project.
At Oxford University, Charlie is helping to launch a data visualisation service for researchers. Initially this service exclusively provides Shiny consultative support, but further technologies will be added in the future as the team grows.
Registration before
26 March 2023
Registration on/after
26 March 2023
Non Member
RSS Fellow
RSS CStat/Gradstat/Data Analyst
also MIS & FIS
Group discounts are also available*:
3-5 people
6-8 people
9+ people
*Discount only applies to non-member price
10% discount
15% discount
20% discount