Webinar on Administrative Data and Data Linkage

Date: Friday 14 March 2025, 12.00PM - 1.30PM
Location: Online
Section Group Meeting
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The Health Statistics Users Group and the RSS Official Statistics Section are organising a webinar to discuss the use of Administrative Data and Data Linkage.
Joining information will be made available nearer the date.
Administrative Data Research UK
Emma Gordon (ADR UK) will give a presentation on ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) which is a UK-wide partnership transforming the wealth of public sector data into research assets and policy-relevant insights.
Data Linkage in Scotland
David Clark, (Public Health Scotland) will give an overview of the data linkage landscape in Scotland from within the eData Research & Innovation Service (eDRIS) of Public Health Scotland, reflecting on the Medical Record Linkage System, and how eDRIS work with partner organisations such as ADR Scotland and Research Data Scotland.
Using Administrative Data
Les Mayhew, Bayes Business School, City St George’s, University of London. Les will give some practical examples of using administrative data, and data matching techniques, drawing on his work with local and health authorities, central government departments and charities.
Member - free to attend 

Non-member £10 
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