Data visualisation in health care research (Online)

Date: Tuesday 01 April 2025, 1.30PM - 3.00PM
Location: Online
Section Group Meeting
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Aim: To demonstrate the importance of data visualisation as a tool for communicating findings in health care research by

  •  Introducing the core concepts of presenting data and story telling

  •  Demonstrating the benefits of effective data visualisation

  •  Assessing the role of a medical statistician

  •  Discussing the process of designing charts/studies

  •  Exploring the use of charts to communicate results in health care research

Format: The session will feature an engaging and interactive presentation that includes a collaborative exercise, live polling and a Q&A section, allowing the audience to provide feedback and participate in real-time discussion.

Outcomes:  The main benefit to this session is to introduce a creative and collaborative approach to chart design and provide a safe space to challenge the current ways in which we deliver information. Current practices can be time consuming and lead to information overload, relying on the statistical interpretation of boring reports with excessive text, line, bar and pie charts. The idea is to reflect on the ever-demanding role of the medical statistician in communicating key messages to busy clinicians and stakeholders. This session aims to inspire new ideas and showcase creative methods for presenting data through vibrant visualisations, while also encouraging discussions on how we communicate findings in healthcare research.

“Numbers have an important story to tell. They rely on you to give them a clear and convincing voice”
  – Stephen Few


Cathy Hopkinson, Senior Statistician, Statistics and Clinical Research, NHS Blood and Transplant. Committee member of the NIHR Statistics Ophthalmology group.

Cathy gained a first-class honours degree in BSc Mathematics with Statistics and Management from the University of Surrey. With a decade of experience at NHS Blood and Transplant, she has published research in 13 medical journals while also teaching dance. With a strong passion for data visualisation, she combines her creative and analytical design skills in her professional endeavours.

Elisa Allen - Medical Section Group 
Members - free to attend 

E-student - free to attend 

Non-member - £10.00 
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