RSS WMLG Talk - Tim Davis and Huw Williams on "Picking the cherries out of Buckingham's Pi (a statistical detective story)"

Date: Wednesday 12 March 2025, 5.30PM - 6.30PM
Location: University of Warwick
University of Warwick CV4 7AL
Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB2.24 
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Motivated by our interest in applying techniques of dimensional analysis (DA) to statistical modelling of physical phenomena, we investigated the well-known cherry tree data set (usually referred to as the ‘Minitab cherry tree data’). After researching the forestry literature, our investigation led us down many interesting paths, including the origin of the data, and examining a number of modelling approaches that have been published. Using DA leads to a simple and elegant model, which leads to previously overlooked insights for this data.

An interactive map of the campus is available at map:

Parking information:

Please email prior to the event to arrange access.
Tim Davis, Huw Williams

Contact Alexander Kent

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