Statistical issues in investigation of suspected medical misconduct

Date: Thursday 19 September 2024, 12.00PM
Location: London
Royal Statistical Society, 12 Errol Street, London EC1Y 8LX
RSS Event

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This discussion hosted by the RSS Statistics and the Law Section will revisit the group’s 2022 report ‘Healthcare serial killer or coincidence’.
This interdisciplinary meeting will look at the recommendations of the report and some case studies of medical misconduct cases and will finish with a discussion on practical steps for how to improve the statistical aspects of such cases. The group will publish its recommendations following the meeting later this year.
The meeting will be held strictly under the Chatham House Rule and is a closed meeting, but we will consider expressions of interest in attending from those in the relevant professions.
You can register your interest in attending here (please do so before 11 September):
This form collects only the data necessary to consider your request to attend. All data will be deleted within one day of a decision being communicated to you made on your request, or by 20 September 2024. None of the data is within GDPR special categories of personal data.
RSS Statistics and the Law Section