RSS Edinburgh hosts an evening with the William Guy lecturers.

Date: Monday 19 February 2024, 5.30PM
Location: The Bayes Centre, Edinburgh
The Bayes Centre, 47 Potterow, Edinburgh, EH8 9BT
Local Group Meeting

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RSS Edinburgh hosts an evening with the William Guy lecturers.
The RSS William Guy (WG) Lecturers are prestigious volunteer roles intended to celebrate the importance of engaging with schools and inspiring children about statistics from an early age. They are named in honour of William Augustus Guy, an early medical statistician and past RSS president. This year, the theme is climate change and environmental statistics.

The RSS Edinburgh Local Group will be hosting an evening with the William Guy lecturers where each will share aspects of their WG talks and research fields before answering questions. There will then be the opportunity to network after this.
The William Guy Lecturers:
Katherine Whyte
Craig Anderson
Eleanor D'Arcy
Contact Chris Oldnall (RSS Edinburgh, Secretary)