RSS Social Statistics: The cost-of-living crisis in focus (In person)

Date: Wednesday 16 November 2022, 6.05PM
Location: RSS, London
Section Group Meeting

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Programme details
6.05pm Welcome and introductions
6.10pm The Cost-of-Living Diaries: a story of resilience or crisis?
Max Templer; Research Director, BritainThinks
Michael Keating; Research Executive, BritainThinks
6.30pm Family Matters: How the rising cost of living is denting optimism across the country
Caroline Warren; Senior Consultant, Yonder
Kieran Nash, Consultant, Yonder
6.50pm Q&A to the speakers
7.00pm Panel discussion: “Living sustainably is a luxury that half the population simply cannot afford”
7.15pm Closing remarks
7.20pm Ends
Speaker biographies
Max Templer: Research Director, BritainThinks. Max specialises in mixed-methods research projects on knotty topics. He has significant experience conducting research with vulnerable people and has a particular interest in social security, for example researching the experiences of benefits claimants to help organisations better support their needs. Max leads on BritainThinks’ Cost of Living Diaries research, which has been running since March this year.
Michael Keating: Research Executive, BritainThinks.  Michael has experience working on research projects dealing with financial precarity and decision-making for a range of clients, including financial regulators, insurance comparison websites, and charities. He has conducted fieldwork with a range of sensitive groups, including those with disabilities and long-term health conditions as well as those experiencing problem debt. Michael is an integral part of the Cost of Living Diaries research team at BritainThinks.
Caroline Warren: Senior Consultant, Yonder. Caroline is a Senior Consultant in the Government & Corporate Affairs team at Yonder. Over the last few months, she has been helping her clients to navigate the reputation threats posed by the current economic turmoil.
Kieran Nash: Consultant, Yonder. Having joined Yonder in the summer, Kieran’s work has been centred around how rising living costs are impacting businesses, working with household names in the energy sector and retail industry. Prior to Yonder, Kieran worked as an internationally focused Cost-of-Living Analyst at ECA International.
Karsten Shaw for RSS Social Statistics Section
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