The RSS Data Science and AI committee would like to invite you to a virtual event on one of the thorniest issues in any collaboration; Intellectual property.
This is a talk for researchers and DS/AI practitioners who want to understand how Intellectual Property works in AI and to learn how we collaborate better to get the most value from innovation.
We are very fortunate to be joined by:
- Professor David Barber, Director of the UCL Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Director of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Foundational AI joining
- Professor Noam Shemtov, Intellectual Property and Technology Law at Queen Mary's University London and Deputy Head of CCLS
- Dr Martin Goodson, CEO and Chief Scientist at Evolution AI and Chair of the RSS Data Science & AI section
- Dr Janet Bastiman, Chief Data Scientist at Napier AI
- Introduction to Intellectual property and AI (5 mins)
- What works, what doesn’t, what’s fair and what should change:
- The Industry Perspective (Dr Goodson and Dr Bastiman) - 10 minutes
- The Academic perspective (Professor David Barber) - 10 minutes
- The Legal Perspective (Professor Noam Shemtov) - 10 minutes
- Panel discussion - 10 minutes
- Q&A - 15 minutes
Will Browne for RSS Data Science & AI Section