We are delighted to announce our joint event with the RSS Medical Section on "Medical decision making". The hybrid event will be the last of the calendar year and will incorporate the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for both the Leeds/Bradford local group and the Medical Section. As it is a special event, we will be providing food and drinks for in-person attendees - more than you average biscuit!
You can register for the event, here. Please, let us know whether you are attending in person so that we can ensure there is enough food for everyone; email leedsbradfordlg@rss.org.uk.
TITLE: "Medical decision making"
DATE: Tuesday 6th December
TIME: From 14:00 onwards
LOCATION: Hybrid, in-person at Room GR.18, Sir William Bragg building, University of Leeds.
We hope to see you there to meet local-group members, Medical Section members, and to hear from speakers including previous RSS President Deborah Ashby, and Andrew Vickers
from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
Maria Ibrahim
Maria is a nephrology trainee currently working at Manchester Royal Infirmary. She recently completed a post as a Clinical Research Fellow with NHS Blood and Transplant where the main part of her work was to use UK Transplant Registry Data to conduct statistical analyses to help answer clinical questions. Part of her work was in risk communication , and how to improve the way we communicate statistics to both clinicians and patients.

Deborah Ashby
Professor Deborah Ashby is Director of the School of Public Health at Imperial College London where she holds the Chair in Medical Statistics and Clinical Trials, and was Founding Co-Director of Imperial Clinical Trials Unit. As if that wasn't enough, she was President of the Royal Statistical Society. We are glad to have her back to speak in Leeds-Bradford.
Andrew Vickers
Andrew is a biostatistician at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center with a special interest in prostate cancer, risk prediction, patient-reported outcomes, decision-making. He was awarded the MSKCC Award for Excellence in Mentoring, and was the one of the originators of Decision Curve Analysis.