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Stats for the public good

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RSS responds to the inquiry about statutary inquiries, seeking to highlight the crucial need for consideration of data and statistics as part of any inquiry - from the outset as a de facto requirement.

RSS submission to Statutory Inquiries Committee inquiry on statutory inquiries Stats for the public good Other statistical topics 22.04.2024 0.12 mb

RSS responds to the inquiry about statutary inquiries, seeking to highlight the crucial need for consideration of data and statistics as part of any inquiry - from the outset as a de facto requirement.

Letter to the Thirlwall Inquiry regarding the inquiry terms of reference Stats for the public good 10.11.2023 0.20 mb
Letter to Debbie Hewitt from Dr Andrew Garrett about VAR Stats for the public good Communicating statistics 04.10.2023 0.14 mb

Letter to the head of the FA from President Dr. Andrew Garrett regarding the use of VAR in football matches, sent following contraversy regarding the use of VAR in the Tottenham vs Liverpool Premier League match on Saturday 30 September.

Letter to Lady Justice Thirlwall regarding the Lucy Letby Inquiry Stats for the public good 03.10.2023 mb

Letter from the RSS to the chair of the Lucy Letby Inquiry, requesting that the scope of the inquiry covers the appropriate use of statistical evidence in cases of medical murder. 

Report summary: Healthcare serial killer or coincidence? Statistical issues in investigation of suspected medical misconduct Stats for the public good Communicating statistics 26.09.2022 0.28 mb
Report: Healthcare serial killer or coincidence? Statistical issues in investigation of suspected medical misconduct Stats for the public good Communicating statistics 26.09.2022 0.88 mb
Statement from the RSS and the American Statistical Association on the dismissal of the Chair of the Turkish Statistical Institute Stats for the public good Data for democracy 04.02.2022 0.09 mb
Response to DCMS Consultation on National Data Strategy Stats for the public good Data for democracy 01.07.2019 0.41 mb
Algorithms in the justice system: Some statistical issues Stats for the public good Data for democracy 08.11.2018 0.32 mb

Submitted on behalf of the Royal Statistical Society by the RSS Section on Statistics and the Law. In particular, we draw attention to the prevalence of dangerously misleading statistical arguments in the current literature, and the consequent need for expert statistical input. We also present some recommendations regarding the use of software systems in analysing and producing legal evidence.

Statement on the planned dismantling of the Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics Stats for the public good Data for democracy 19.04.2018 0.26 mb
Letter to the First Minister of Scotland regarding use of RPI Stats for the public good Local and regional data 27.11.2017 1.18 mb
Response to House of Lords Committee on Political Polling and Digital Media Stats for the public good Communicating statistics 14.09.2017 0.16 mb
Letter to the new Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, James Palmer Stats for the public good Local and regional data 19.05.2017 0.16 mb
Letter to the new Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham Stats for the public good Local and regional data 19.05.2017 0.16 mb
Letter to the new Mayor of Liverpool, Steve Rotherham Stats for the public good Local and regional data 19.05.2017 0.16 mb
Letter to the new Mayor of West of England, Tim Bowles Stats for the public good Local and regional data 19.05.2017 0.16 mb
Letter to the new Mayor of Tees Valley, Ben Houchen Stats for the public good Local and regional data 17.05.2017 0.16 mb
Letter to the new Mayor of West Midlands, Andy Street Stats for the public good Local and regional data 17.05.2017 0.16 mb
Response to DCMS inquiry into disinformation and ‘fake news’ Stats for the public good Communicating statistics 24.03.2017 0.12 mb
Letter to the President of the Hellenic Republic re charges against Andreas Georgiou, past president of ELSTAT Stats for the public good Data for democracy 20.09.2016 0.15 mb
Research for the RSS by Ipsos MORI on 'Public attitudes to the use and sharing of their data' Stats for the public good Data for democracy 24.07.2014 1.19 mb
Letter to President of the Hellenic Republic regarding Andreas Georgiou Stats for the public good Data for democracy 19.02.2013 0.09 mb
Letter (jointly from ASA and RSS) to the Italian President regarding L'Aquila scientists charges Stats for the public good Data for democracy 25.10.2012 0.07 mb